  • Independent Study Courses (ISCs) slide
  • Independent Study Courses (ISCs) slide
  • Independent Study Courses (ISCs) slide
  • Independent Study Courses (ISCs) slide
  • Independent Study Courses (ISCs) slide

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The APTA Orthopaedic offers an excellent choice of high quality monographs through its Independent Study Course series. Since 1989, we have been providing clinicians, faculty, and students with a choice of contemporary topics that can strengthen clinical practice. Each course includes a comprehensive selection of monographs that address varied aspects of the primary content area. Our authors are carefully selected and are experts in their respective fields.

Meet Our Editorial Team

  • Dhinu Jayaseelan, PT, DPT, DHSc, OCS, FAAOMPT, Editor
  • Andrew Post, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Associate Editor
  • Sharon Klinski, Managing Editor

Learn about our Editorial Team here

From a satisfied registrant...

"In 2013 I was granted certification as a board certified clinical specialist in orthopaedic physical therapy and have completed my OCS maintenance requirements each three years. Not only did I use independent study courses from the Orthopaedic Section to prepare for the exam, I continue to take these courses to stay current. I find the content of the ISC courses completely thorough and evidence-based and return to my course information frequently for review or to help guide a colleague during mentoring sessions with new physical therapists."
– Shannon B, Minnesota

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