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About Us

Who Are We?

We are the largest Academies of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).The Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy leads the physical therapy field in research, practice and education so that members deliver care that is evidence‐based, innovative, and effective. The APTA Orthopaedic is committed to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the academy, profession, and society.

Mission: Be the driving community advancing orthopaedic physical therapist practice.

Vision: Transform society by optimizing movement and musculoskeletal health.

Strategic Drivers

Excellence of Practice 

Improve the consistency and quality of patient care by providing professionals with convenient evidence‐based resources

Member & Profession Awareness

Communicate opportunities and increase awareness and engagement for all stakeholders to access or contribute to the profession

Payment & Value

Increase provider payment through influential legislative and advocacy efforts

Professional Well-Being

Improve the well‐being of our members by addressing administrative burden, burnout, and debt‐to‐income ratio to support inclusive and sustainable career journeys

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