Partner Program
APTA Orthopaedic
International Partner Membership Application
An International Partner of the APTA Orthopaedic is any individual who lives in a country other than the United States and who is not eligible for membership in the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).
International Partner benefits include:
- Online access to full text of the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy (published monthly)
- Online access to full text of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice (published quarterly)
- Access to the APTA Orthopaedic's website
- APTA Orthopaedic member discount on Independent Study Courses, educational courses, conferences, and more when purchased online.
- Eligible to become a member of Special Interest Groups within the APTA Orthopaedic.
Please note: International Partners are prohibited by the Bylaws of the APTA Orthopaedic from participating in activities exclusively reserved for the APTA Orthopaedic members, such as serving as elected officials.
An International Partners Fee of $200.00, to cover a single year of benefit costs, must be submitted along with this application or the application will not be considered. This fee is required annually for each successive renewal of International Partner status.
Click here to access the membership application.