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Awards Ceremony

When: February 14, 2025
Where: Hilton Americas Hotel, Lanier Grand Ballroom A
Time: 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Celebrate innovation in PT at our Awards Ceremony, recognizing those who've set new standards and reshaped the field with their outstanding contributions. Join us as we recognize our exceptional members for their leadership to the APTA Orthopaedic, as well as those individuals receiving AOPT’s prestigious awards. 

Click here to see the award recipients >


APTA Orthopaedic Awards


Acknowledges and honors a most outstanding AOPT member whose contributions to the Academy are of exceptional and enduring value.

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Recognizes and acknowledges an AOPT member who has demonstrated extraordinary service/leadership early (less than 10 years) in one’s professional career.

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The AOPT’s Research Committee considers all published research papers examining issues related to orthopaedic physical therapy as being eligible for this award.

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This award recognizes and supports excellence in instructing OPT principles and techniques through the acknowledgment of an individual with exemplary teaching skills.


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Acknowledges an individual who has made an outstanding and lasting contribution to the clinical practice of orthopaedic physical therapy as exemplified by the professional careers of Richard W. Bowling and Richard E. Erhard.

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Identifies a student physical therapist and student physical therapist assistant (first professional degree) with exceptional scholastic ability and potential for contribution to orthopaedic physical therapy.

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