
32.2 - The Female Athlete Throughout the Lifespan

Course Description

This course provides a comprehensive review of the growth, maturational, musculoskeletal, physiological, biomechanical, and training-related injury risk factors unique to the female athlete. Evidence-based management of the young, pregnant/post-partum, and mature female athlete across the care continuum from injury prevention training to injury rehabilitation to safe return-to-activities is discussed. Throughout each monograph, extensive information is provided on the specific evaluation techniques, outcome measures, and rehabilitation approaches most pertinent to this unique population. These monographs also explore how growth, pregnancy, and aging related changes impact exercise tolerance/performance, and discuss current exercise guidelines. These monographs provide a comprehensive resource, combining scientific and clinical knowledge, for the physical therapist management of the female athlete throughout the lifespan.

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Course Overview

Course Format: Online with an option to purchase the print version

Contact Hours: 15 hours contact hours

State Approval: AOPT courses are accepted in all states plus the District of Columbia, as allowed by the type of course requirements in state regulations. A small number of states require APTA to seek pre-approval of courses. The approval codes for these states can be found here. Always check with your State Licensing Board to confirm contact hours offered.

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Online Only Online + Hard Copy
AOPT Member $115 $140
Non-AOPT Member $265 $290

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The Female Athlete Throughout the Lifespan

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Course Objectives

Upon completion of this monograph series, the participant will be able to:

  1. Identify growth, maturational, biomechanical, and training related risk factors for injury among young female athletes.
  2. Understand the physiological, musculoskeletal, and psychological changes that often occur during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  3. Understand the age-related changes that occur in the master female athlete and how these changes affect performance.
  4. Recognize common acute and overuse injuries sustained by the female athlete at various stages of life.
  5. Understand the principles and key components of injury prevention training for female athletes throughout the lifespan.
  6. Utilize clinical decision-making to select appropriate examinations and treatment strategies of the young female athlete, the female patient during pregnancy and postpartum, and the mature female athlete.
  7. Understand important guidelines for effective exercise prescription to address specific needs of the young female athlete, the female patient during pregnancy and postpartum, and the mature female athlete.

Topics and Authors

Rehabilitation Considerations for the Pediatric and Adolescent Female Athlete
Christy Zwolski, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS

The Pregnant and Postpartum Athlete
Rita Deering, PT, DPT, PhD; Shefali Mathur Christopher, PT, DPT, SCS, LAT, ATC

The Master Female Athlete
Theresa L. Schuemann, PT, DPT, SCS, ATC