Position title:
The APTA Orthopaedic is seeking nominations for one (1) individual to serve as a Member on the Finance Committee.
Committee Charge:
The Finance Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Board of Directors on the optimal management strategies for the APTA Orthopaedic financial assets to accomplish its Strategic Framework outputs.
Term (duration):
Three-year appointment concluding at CSM 2028.
Time/travel expectancy and requirements:
- One Zoom meeting quarterly with additional Zoom meetings as needed.
- Attend the annual 1 ½ day in-person Finance Committee meeting in August.
- Attend the October APTA Orthopaedic Board of Directors meeting at least once during the 3-year term.
Fiscal implications:
Airfare, lodging, and meals are paid for by the APTA Orthopaedic to attend the annual Finance Committee meeting and October Board meeting.
Essential requirements of position:
An APTA Orthopaedic member in good standing with an understanding, interest in, and/or experience with finances, investing, running a business, etc., as they relate to non-profit association management.
Candidates are to submit the following:
- Curriculum vitae
- Brief essay (500 words max) on how your talents and experience meet the position requirements.
Submit to: jschultz@orthopt.org