
Breaking News: Medicare Fee Schedule Changes - What PTs Need to Know


The recent updates to the Medicare fee schedule have significant implications for physical therapy practices. Bob Hall, JD, MPAff, our payment expert, breaks down the key changes and what they mean for you.

Key Highlights

  1. 2.8% Fee Schedule Cut
    • A mandated 2.8% cut affecting all specialties using Part B.
    • Emphasis on the need for continued congressional advocacy.  
  2. Code Adjustments
    • 19 PT-related codes reviewed, with 16 seeing an increase.
    • Despite the overall cut, some codes will receive higher payments.
  3. KX Modifier Threshold
    • Increased to $2,410 for PT and speech-language pathology services.
    • Recognizes rising costs and allows for more comprehensive patient care.
  4. PTA General Supervision
    • Shift from direct to general supervision, enhancing accessibility.
    • Important for rural and underserved areas.
  5. Plan of Care Requirements
    • New rule allowing initial certification via physician’s signed order or referral.
    • Reduces administrative burden and speeds up patient care delivery.


These changes present both challenges and opportunities for physical therapists. It's crucial to stay informed and engaged in advocacy to ensure that these adjustments positively impact your practice and patient care.

For a detailed explanation:

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