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Call for 2 Awards Committee Members

Position title:
PT Member, APTA Orthopaedic Awards Committee

Committee Charge:
The 2 individuals appointed to the Committee will be responsible for enhancing awareness and encouraging award nominations each year. They will review nomination submissions and make recommendations based on the award criteria. Attendance at the APTA Orthopaedic Awards Ceremony at CSM is encouraged but not required. These individuals must be licensed PT members of the APTA Orthopaedic. For further information regarding our awards, click HERE.

Term (duration):
Three-year appointment.

Time expectancy:
8 hours per annum.

Travel requirements:

Please submit the following by April 30th to tfred@orthopt.org:

  • Curriculum vitae:

A brief statement (<500 words) on your interest in recognizing deserving members of APTA Orthopaedic, and how your past experiences will contribute to the committee.

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