ORF-SIG Leadership
Find contact information for the ORF-SIG leaders here.
Each month ORF-SIG will use social media (SM) channels to spotlight one or more orthopaedic residency and fellowship (R/F) programs. Eligible programs must meet pre-application criteria.
View the latest spotlighted programs and learn more about this program.
View developing/accredited programs, residency and fellowship resources, and learn about the AOPT's residency curriculum.
Have questions regarding the difference between residency and fellowship? Wondering which is better for you, Orthopaedic or Sports Residency? Find answers and resources here.
View all ORF-SIG newsletters included in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice here.
View the ABPTRFE's Policy and Procedure updates. The ORF-SIG leadership has provided additional elaboration here.
Submit your abstract submission for CSM poster presentations, and receive a $250 award if your poster is selected.