APTSIG Strategic Plan, Mission, and Vision

APTSIG Strategic Plan, Mission, and Vision

The purpose of the Animal Physical Therapy Special Interest Group (APTSIG) of the Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy is to provide a platform for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants to educate, promote, and advance the practice of animal physical therapy and wellness in all state jurisdictions. The APTSIG encourages active development of collegial relationships with the veterinary community to promote the highest standards of quality care in animal physical therapy.

APTA Orthopaedic Mission

The APTA Orthopaedic, empowers members to excel in orthopaedic physical therapy.

APTA Orthopaedic Vision

The APTA Orthopaedic, will be a world leader in providing resources to optimize movement and musculoskeletal health.

APTSIG Strategic Plan

Click here to view the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan

Strategic Goals

  • EDUCATION: Develop competent physical therapists in animal physical therapy and provide opportunities for life-long learning through continuing education.

  • POLITICAL ADVOCACY: Influence legislative changes to support the practice of physical therapy in animal physical therapy in all 50 states.

  • EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE: Provide evidence to support clinical practice by physical therapists in animal physical therapy.

  • PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MARKETING: Create a brand for physical therapy in animal physical therapy and disseminate through multiple sources (e.g. webpage, social media, brochures, published materials).