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  • Education Committee slide
  • Education Committee slide
  • Education Committee slide
  • Education Committee slide

Education Committee


Seminar Series

Seminar Series

Training PTs in Orthopaedic Clinical Guidelines
This seminar series aims to train physical therapists in the skills required to implement the Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy's Clinical Practice Guidelines at a high level. Learn more.

Prepping for the OCS?

Prepping for the OCS?

Are there suggestions regarding how to prepare? Is certification right for you? What are the requirements to sit for the exam? Get answers to these questions and more here.

Independent Study Courses

Independent Study Courses

The Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy offers an excellent choice of high quality monographs through its Independent Study Course series. Learn more about courses available for purchase, view videos and complete exams, and view your transcript.

State CEU Approvals

State CEU Approvals

AOPT CEUs are accepted by the majority of state physical therapy licensure boards, as allowed by the type of course requirements in state regulations. For individual state requirements, please visit your state licensure board website.

Learn How to Create an Excellent CSM Submission Proposal


Eric Folkins - Education Committee Chair

Chair: Eric Folkins, PT, DPT, DHSc

Dr. Folkins is a Board-Certified Orthopaedic Specialist and Associate Professor at Saint Joseph’s University, in Philadelphia, PA. He earned his BS in Kinesiology from the University of Minnesota, MPT at the University of Southern California, DPT from Western University and DHSc in Rehabilitation Science at Drexel University. His passion for education is evident from service on the CPTA Education Task Force, California Academic and Residency Collaborative, CPTA Annual Conference Task Force, PA SED Program Committee and 5 years of service with the AOPT Education Committee. He has organized and taught multiple orthopaedic and vestibular continuing education courses. His research interests are in the area of orthopaedic pathologies involving the cervical and lumbar spine, manipulation, pedagogy, strength and conditioning and student wellness. He is an active member of the APTA at the local, state, and national levels. He served as San Jose, CA District Chair and Treasurer, CA and PA House of Delegate for 10 years. He currently is a member of the Orthopaedic and Education Academies. Dr. Folkins’ has been recognized for his research at the local, state, and national levels.

Committee Members: Brian Eckenrode, Katherine Wilford, Robert Maschi, Josh Halfpap, Lindsay Carroll, Kathleen Geist, Jason (Jay) Grimes.


To learn more about the Education Committee's purpose, scope, and responsibilities, click here

Are there opportunities to get involved?

Yes! As a current member of the AOPT, you are welcome to submit your name and interests on our Volunteer Involvement Page.