A Sneak Peek into the Current Concepts of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Monographs
View the videos below for a brief introduction of this popular course, and hear from some of our authors on what is included in their monographs:
Hear from the AOPT's ISC Editor, Guy Simoneau, PT, PhD, FAPTA, as he introduces the long-awaited 5th edition of this comprehensive, contemporary evidence-based review.
Hear from Current Concepts lead author, Eric Robertson, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, with an introduction to the Cervical Spine monograph for all of the new inclusions in this updated monograph.
Hear from Current Concepts lead author, Amee Seitz, PT, PhD, DPT, with an introductory view of what has changed in the management of shoulder disorders in the last 5 years.
Hear from Lumbar Spine author, Max Jordan, PT, DPT, PhD, with an introduction into what you will learn in the Lumbar Spine monograph.
Hear from Current Concepts lead author, Keelan Enseki, PT, MS, OCS, SCS, by watching this short introductory video to the hip monograph.
Hear from Current Concepts author, RobRoy Martin, PT, PhD, CSCS, who describes their comprehensive review for your clinical practice using an impairment-based treatment model to the Foot and Ankle monograph.