AOPT Full Curriculum Package
How It Works
How are the courses offered? What are the requirements to register? What is the cost?
Ready to dive in?
Choose your path with the Curriculum Package or select individual courses that fit your needs.
Two Curriculum Package Options Are Available
- Option A includes the 6 courses shown below ($500).
- Option B includes the 6 courses below, plus the 2 additional courses shown at the bottom of this page ($625).
Basic Research Methods for Understanding the Physical Therapy Literature
Find course description and objectives here.
Current Concepts of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy, 5th Edition
Find course description and objectives here.
Postoperative Management of Orthopaedic Surgeries
Find course description and objectives here.
Option B
This option includes the 6 courses listed above, with the addition of the following 2 courses: